How To Start A Music Marketing Agency With No Cash And Make $10K In 90 Days

How To Start A Music Marketing Agency With No Cash And Make $10K In 90 Days

You want to start a music marketing agency. But, you don't have any money. How the heck are you supposed to get started? Fear not, my friend. I'm here to show you how to start your very own music marketing agency with absolutely no cash and make your first $10K in 90 days Let's get started!

How To Start A Music Marketing Agency With No Cash And Make $10K in 90 Days

1) What is Music Marketing?

Music marketing is all about getting people to listen to an artist or producers music and then buy it. It's a bit like advertising, but for music instead of products.

Music marketing can be done in a lot of different ways. For example, you could setup and run facebook ads or google SEO (search engine optimisation).

Whatever way you choose, the goal is always the same: to get as many people as possible listening to your clients music.


2) What Does A Music Marketing Agency Do?

A music marketing agency is responsible for getting an artist or band's music out there and helping them to build a following. This is mainly by setting up, running optimising social media and google ppc ads.

In short, a good music marketing agency will do whatever it takes to get people noticing their clients. And with the music industry more competitive than ever, it's becoming important for up-and-coming artists to have a team of professionals in their corner. So if you're looking to start a music marketing agency, you're in a profitable industry! 

Wether your a music artist, music manager, producer or engineer - you can start a music marketing agency. As long as you have access to other music creators and industry heads, your good to go!

3) Pick A Niche

The first step is to pick a niche that you're passionate about. This could be EDM, trap, hip-hop, etc. It doesn't matter what genre you choose, as long as you're genuinely interested in it. Once you've picked your niche, it's time to move on to step 4.

4) Create A Website

Now that you've picked your niche, it's time to create a website. You can use a platform like Wordpress or Wix to create your website for free. But I highly recommend Shopify. They're easy, simple and have stunning website templates. Be sure to include relevant keywords in your website so that people can find it easily when they search for it online. Once your website is up and running, it's time to move on to step 5.

5) Create Your Offer

Now it time to decide what your going to offer your clients. Your clients will be music managers, artists, bands, musicians, recording studios. Everyone is aware they need to be marketing their music online but most music creators/industry professionals are too busy to learn how to do it and would rather focus on the music.

This is where you offer them a solution by handling all their music marketing for them. Here are 4 popular services to offer:

- Facebook ads

- Google ads

- YouTube ads

- Lead magnets (ebooks)

If you know how to set up, manage and optimise these ad platforms then you will be the one to do the job once you get a client but if you DONT know how to work these platforms then you can outsource your work to digital marketings on fiverr to do it for you.

Consider them your staff. Just make sure you charge enough to cover their costs as well as your own

A good way to make sure your charging enough is work out how much they cost and times it by 4. Example - it costs you $100 to hire a facebook ads set up designer, so charge your client $400.


6) Reach Out To Artists

Now that you have a website & valuable offer, it's time to reach out to artists and offer your services. Start by reaching out to smaller artists in your niche who are just starting out and see if they need help getting their music heard by millions. If they do, offer them your services at a reasonable price.

Once you've built up a few clients, you can start charging more for your services. And that's it! Those are the three steps you need to follow to start your very own music marketing agency with no cash and make your first $10K in the first 6 months. Good luck!


If you're interested in starting your own music marketing agency but don't have any money, don't worry! You can still do it! Just follow the six steps outlined in this blog post and you'll be on your way to making $10K in your first six months.

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Hey there, Alpha here. I am a young producer but I simply wanna know even more concerning starting my own marketing agency in the music industry. Thanks a lot for the information. Really lookin forward to knowing much more about this subject.


Hey there, Alpha here. I am a young producer but I simply wanna know even more concerning starting my own marketing agency in the music industry. Thanks a lot for the information. Really lookin forward to knowing much more about this subject.


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